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Lead With You - Lessons I've Learned

Another year on the books and as I reflect on my many years of experiences I have realized that I have learned many lessons.
Empowered women - empower women.
I have learned that small moves lead to big successes
I  have learned that slow and steady wins the race
I have learned that ruminating thoughts lead to wasting precious time
I have learned that you really must separate yourself from negative people
I have learned that authentic connection is the golden ticket
I have learned that courage is blocked by caring what people think
I have learned that kindness sends ripples of goodness out like a gift that keeps on giving
I have learned that purpose is something that comes from deep within your soul
I have learned that dreams can become reality if you focus on the next small step
I have learned that greed, envy, and money can cause people to make bad decisions
I have learned that the truth is honored by all and sometimes it hurts
I have learned that success is defined in many different ways
I have learned that perception is reality and there are more than one
I have learned that your chosen family is your soul family
I have learned that animals hold space for peace and transmute sadness into joy
I have learned that all of Gods creations from the blade of a grass to a sea anemone at the bottom of the ocean is a beautiful miraculous gift that commands awe and wonder
I have learned that time is flexible and only you determine how you spend your seconds on this earth
I have learned that love is an action of continued efforts
I have learned that growing a garden is a metaphor of your outcomes what you sow you reap
I have learned that learning something new every day expands your consciousness and moves you forward in life
I have learned that being curious is one of the lightest ways to experience lessons in life
I have learned that storms pass and sunny days fade, its the ebbs and flows and how you ride the waves that matter
I have learned that taking time to listen to understand creates honor respect and harmony
I have learned that earning accolades and success by using or stepping on others creates empty rewards and bad karma
I have learned that you can’t want success more for someone else - they have to want it for themselves
I have learned that being accountable to yourself and others is the ultimate destruction of ego and mastery of maturity
I have learned that valuing meaningful connections, experiences and the golden rule is the key to happiness
I have learned that its the journey and working for something greater than you that brings the most joy - not the destination
I have learned that fostering a personal spiritual connection with God is a part of our greatest achievements and soul evolution
I have learned that a healthy body mind and soul requires variety and balance in all areas
I have learned that discovering your purpose is a gift and once you find it you have to share it
I have learned that understanding who you are is the result of self development and discovery - an important milestone in life
I have learned that the cycle of life is the same for all - we are born and learn lessons, we grow, and learn more lessons, and we age and share those lessons which become our legacy
I have learned that when you lead with you - your light shines through.
As I continue evolving in new ways I share my favorite lessons with you and hope you share yours with the world too.

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