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3 Questions for Discerning Aligned Opportunities

Oct 12, 2022

We all love opportunities however sometimes we can become distracted by too many opportunities and end up with shiny object syndrome.

In this episode we talk about the 3 questions that you can ask yourself so you can better discern any opportunity that shows up. 

I also share my story about ending up on an HGTV episode as well as wearing a hard hat as a project manager. Both of them were really great experiences and I'm glad I did both. It's clear to see how different opportunities can either push you forward toward your goals or put you on a small detour. There are no wrong answers here - because sometimes you need to experience something so you know what you don't want and what you do want becomes more clear.

You can tune in to the episode here! 3 Questions for Discerning Aligned Opportunities

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Simplify Success & Self Discipline

Oct 04, 2022

Self Discipline is the key to achieving any habit or goal. The more consistent you are and committed to your habits the more success you will find! 

This is where we all mess up.

We get a good groove going and then … pause… we hit a block.

We quit.

We try to get going again and something else gets in the way.

The days go by and nothing gets done.

We start feeling guilty. And somehow become emotionally detached to the goal itself.

We don’t like feeling bad so now we start avoiding it.

And before you know it a year has passed with your goal sitting at the bottom of the pile of your todo lists.

But if you really want the goal - what do you do?

How can you stay on track and how do you stay motivated to keep going?

What are the best ways to keep yourself moving and motivated to keep going?

In the latest podcast episode we cover all of this plus 6 ideas to help you create success and self discipline. 


Tune in as we discuss..

Tune in here! 6 Ideas...

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Why Working Smart Works

Sep 26, 2022

Why Working Smart Works .... and going with the flow is a good thing.

Tune in to the latest Lead With You Podcast episode as we go over the 6 Steps to Working Smarter not Harder. 

One of the best decisions I have ever made in my business was to build a team around me. If you have been thinking about creating more work / life balance then you may want to build a team too! Whether big or small it doesn't matter - you get to create one that works best for you!

Working smarter will help you focus and hone in on exactly what you need to do and what you can delegate to others. At some point in your career you may find yourself hitting a ceiling. Either you are too busy to have a personal life, or you are letting things slip in your business that is hindering your growth. 

Thats why I created the Top Complex Decisions Free Checklist for you to use. I just know it will help you start thinking about the things you will need to do and make decisions about. Once you have a better...

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Working through Resistance & Setbacks

Sep 16, 2022

Hot off the press - we have a new episode that I think we all can relate to. How do you work through and overcome resistance? Sometimes we are the only one in the way of achieving our goals yet we blame everything else. Take a good look and ask yourself - Am I standing in the way of achieving my true goals and highest desires? 

Listen in and I'll cover 4 Easy Steps to work through Resistance & Setbacks!


Tune In to the Episode Here!



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What Are Your Authentic Gifts?

Mar 20, 2022

Do you know what your authentic gifts are? And are you aligning yourself with them to push your self and your business to higher levels?

If you said no. Or if you said I don't know. Or even if you said yes! What if you could take those secret super powers and catapult your business from the daily grind and create a fun, light, natural flow that DRIVES you to achieve your highest goals. It ENERGIZES you just to think about it because your work now fulfills you at your deepest soul levels.

How amazing would that be if you jumped out of bed each day and happily sit down at your desk with your tea or coffee and you review your day ahead with a smile. Because you are in the power seat, intending what you want to do each and every day creating exactly what you want! All while helping, serving, and growing. 

If this sounds interesting to you or you'd like to take things to a deeper level then you will LOVE our new workshop Discover your Authentic Gifts for Success You can find more...

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Discover Your Authentic Gifts for Success - Master Class

Mar 11, 2022

We are very excited to share this upcoming master class with you. You will leave with the clarity that you never knew you needed on how to create more success that aligns with YOU! The best part about it is when you Lead With You your light shines through and you will easily attract and complete any goal you set. 

Have you ever felt like finding success in your business has always been an uphill battle?

Do you cringe at the thought of marketing or selling yourself or your business even though you know this is exactly what you need to do to create success for yourself? 

Have you been dreaming about creating the success you want in an easy way that brings you joy and fulfillment?

Have you ever felt uncomfortable doing some aspects of your work and wondered if there was a better way that will create a successful outcome?

If you have answered yes to any of these questions than you will love this master class. We are meeting March 24, 2022 for our first master...

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Refine Your Business Image

Feb 27, 2022

Have you always wanted to revise your business image to better fit your business in today's market? Refine Your Business Image may be the perfect guide for you. In this easy step by step guide you will have created your unique value proposition, refined your bios and your professional image. 

This new workshop was created to assist my team and now it is available in either LIVE workshop or 24/7 access at your own pace. This is the perfect course to add to your library so you can review the steps annually as the landscape shifts our business image should to. 

You can learn more about this new business guide here! 

Lead With You Business Tools

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